Friday, January 16, 2009

Last Chance Workout

Ok - here's the deal: I will give you partial credit for each assignment you make up. Partial credit will range anywhere from 2 points off to half credit, depending on the assignment.

For those of you who need to make up Act I questions, here they are: (the rest of you scroll down)

Act I, Scene i (You can find the play online by Googling it)

1. List two paradoxes from this scene.


2. Use three or four specific words to describe the emotional tone of the scene


Scene ii

1. Identify and explain the simile in the soldier’s opening lines.

2. According to the soldier, what did Macbeth do in the battle?

3. Would the attack of a sparrow dismay an eagle?

4. What fate has befallen the Thane of Cawdor? How will this affect Macbeth?

Scene iii

1. Why is the first witch in a foul mood?

2. Macbeth's opening lines are an echo of which earlier lines?

a. Why would he think the day was foul?

b. Why would he think it fair?

5. Examine Banquo's comments and reaction to the witches and then choose one or two line that accurately infers Banquo’s attitude towards the witches and their prophecy.

5. Compare and contrast the reactions of Banquo and Macbeth when they hear the message from the King that Macbeth was named Thane of Cawdor.

6. Macbeth is a bit worried. He says that the recent events can’t be bad but they also can’t be good. Why can’t they be bad? Why can’t they be good?

For those of you who need to make up the Star Wars/Polanski Macbeth assignment, go to the top left corner and type "Star Wars" into the box and click on "search blog".

For those of you who need to make up the Office Macbeth assignment, see me Tuesday.

For those of you who need to make up the Found Macbeth assignment: choose a scene from Macbeth and using 10 words or lines cut from magazines, write a collage style letter from one character to an audience revealing the character's perspective of the incident.

For those of you who have not written the Hornby Essay, go to the left hand corner and type "Hornby" into the search box and click on "search blog". Follow the instructions on the post that appears, EXCEPT remember to use an allusion from Macbeth as one of your supporting allusions in the 3rd paragraph.

DO NOT EMAIL ANY ASSIGNMENTS TO ME. Please print them out and bring in a hard copy next week.

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