Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy holidays!

Happy holidays
Originally uploaded by urbanmkr
Hey kids! Have a great break and make sure to relax and rejuvenate your mind. Go to a movie, read a great book, hang out with friends and spend time with your family!

Speaking of family, take this advice from your older and wiser teacher - in a year and a half, most of you will be going off to college and for many of you, that will mark the end of living at home with your family.

Your college years will be full of fun and independence, followed by your first real jobs, first real apartments, and a myriad of amazing experiences before you settle down and have families of your own.

Which is why I want you to take a moment this holiday season to appreciate your family. Perhaps spend an evening at home over break watching a movie with your family or having lunch with your mom or coffee with your dad. Go visit your grandparents and listen to their stories or offer them a helping hand.

These are the moments you'll treasure when you're older and you'll be glad you took the time to slow down your last year and a half at home and spent time with the people who love you unconditionally.

My parents only live four hours away but in this busy world, those four hours seem like an eternity and as a result, I only see them four times a year. I wish I could see my mom and dad on a daily basis, so do me a favor and give your parents a hug daily since I can't hug mine!

Remember - you're only young once but you're old forever, so don't try to grow up too fast. Your friends may come and go but your family will always be there for you, so spend some quality time with them this season.

In the long run, you'll be glad you did.

Have an amazing holiday season - Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
