Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Homework Questions Due Tomorrow

Hey kids -

If you didn't finish the questions on the "Lazy Eyes" article in class and need to finish them for homework, here they are:

1. Do you agree or disagree with the opinion that reading online is 25% slower than reading a hard copy. Compare your experience reading the article online and in class.

2. Does reading online influence how you feel about reading a hard copy or vice versa? Why?

3. Reading which mode makes you feel more in control - online or hard copy?

4. If you had to read and comprehend an important document, such as a contract, will, love letter, etc, which mode would you choose and why?

5. Make a list of what distracts you when you are reading online.

6. Make a list of what distracts you when you are reading a hard copy.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Additional Homework for Thursday, Sept. 11

Online Reading
Originally uploaded by judy_breck
Hey kids,

We didn't get to this article yesterday in class, so take some time to read it online tonight.

Pay attention to the level of reading difficulty - do you find it easy to read an article online or is it difficult for you to read assignments online?

Be prepared to discuss your findings tomorrow. Also, don't forget the scheduled homework listed on the syllabus - read the blog posting titled "Bookshelf Excerpt" from 11/2007.

Have a good night,

Ms. Weiss

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Confused Sign
Originally uploaded by kudaker
Hey kids -

To clarify, the homework assignment due tomorrow is to read the blog posting already posted on the blog, not write a blog posting. If you did write a blog post, well, you are ahead of the game and won't have to do it for the 24th.

Also, make sure you read the handout I gave you in class on Friday and be prepared to list and discuss the four types of reading. You do not need to complete the questions.

Ms. Weiss