Sunday, November 4, 2007

What to read to succeed...

What to Read to Succeed in the World of Business - Three Books to Get Your Business Going

By Eric Revich

Business ethics play a huge role in the success of any company and I am here to tell you which books you should read to learn how to successfully navigate through the vast world of business ethics.

Fish will change the way you think. No, I am not talking about the one that swims though water, I am talking instead about the widely popular book. Let’s face it - “People are dying to bring their passionate, authentic selves to their jobs”, however their jobs won’t let them. According to this book, passion is the key component for success. Whether you are a stockbroker or a high school student, if you don’t show passion you will not succeed. Most organizations are based on the successes of its individuals. What if there was a way for people to show their true, passionate selves in their work environment and still maintain a controlled workplace? Well, the novel Fish may explain just how to do that.

To stay competitive in the business world, you must play Hardball. This book tackles the struggles of competing against other companies and reveals strategies that can help you “win the game.” There is no compassion in the world of business, so clever strategies must be employed to beat the competition. Hardball focuses on looking back on the great businessman of the past in order to stay ahead of the competition of tomorrow. The book examines the clever tactics of great men such as Henry Ford and William Carnegie. If you’re looking to compete in the business world and want to study models of success, then pick up this book.

Many companies fail, but there are ways you can prevent this from happening to yours. The book Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't takes an interesting look into why some companies become successful and others just flat out fail. This book states that neither technology nor CEO’s are the sole reason for the success of a company; instead, it's the people who work for the company that drive its success. If the employees have a good work ethic and talent, then a company can go far.

If you are looking to someday start a company, or perhaps you're already running your own small business, then look into buying any of these books. They are great reads to get a sense of what it takes to have a successful business.

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