Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Don't Make The Same Mistake Michael Made!

Originally uploaded by sparky2000
Hey kids,

I'm grading your Wife of Bath essays and I'm noticing that many of you are making the same error - instead of explaining HOW the story reveals who is in control, you are just making a simple statement and then retelling the story.

One of the problems, in my opinion, of studying classic literature in a contemporary classroom is that because the teacher knows the story inside and out, he or she can't help but reveal that knowledge during class discussion. Therefore, instead of teacher and students unlocking new meaning together, teachers pass on canned meaning to students for future regurgitation.

I don't want that to be the basis of our classroom discovery - instead, I want you to determine your own meaning and to then tell me how you came upon that meaning through your reading.

Take a look at this article from The Onion - pay attention to Lucy Swain's comment toward the end and in this class, try NOT to do what she thinks teachers want you to do!

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