Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Good Reads

1. Go to www.goodreads.com

2. Click on the “sign up” button

3. Enter your name, email address, and choose a password

4. The next step allows you to upload your email address book. By uploading your address book, you’ll see if any of your friends have a Good Reads account and you can ask to “friend” them – Facebook has a similar process.

5. Click on the friends you want to add to your account. On the next screen, it will give you the opportunity to invite additional friends to join Good Reads. This is up to you.

6. Now that you have created an account, fill your “bookshelf” with books you have read by entering the titles in the search engine.

7. Once you’ve filled your shelf with the titles you remember, search for your next great read by exploring books recommended by others.

8. By the end of the period, you must email at least one title of a book you would like to read in the future, and an explanation of why you would like to read it, to readwriteweiss@gmail.com.

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