Monday, October 15, 2007

Student Post: Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk

I recently started reading the book Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk, and I can't stop! It's about an unnamed narrator who hates his job and his life. The narrator works for a car company recalling cars, but only if the recall is cost effective. He suffers from insomnia and the only days he can sleep are the days he goes to support groups - recommended by his doctor so he can see real suffering - and is allowed to cry and listen to other peoples' misery.

The narrator becomes addicted to support groups and starts attending them every day. These support groups focus on dealing with issues such as brain parasites, testicular cancer, and tuberculosis. This continues until he meets Marla Singer. She attends all the support groups he attends and for some reason because of her, he can't cry anymore and also can't sleep.

But wait - I'm getting ahead of myself. Before this happens, the narrator meets Tyler Durden, a man who works all kinds of night jobs. The narrator asks Tyler if he can move in with him because his (the narrator's) condo exploded. Tyler agrees but only if the narrator does him one favor which is "to hit me as hard as you can" (Palahniuk 37).) This is how Fight Club is formed.

I can't wait to finish this novel - I'm already half-way through and so far it's been better than the movie by the same name, which was amazing! Check out Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk.

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